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Why offset?

Even the renewable solution you are using cannot completely decarbonize your operations. TRACIFIC also supports you with agricultural and reforestation carbon offsetting projects to offset the remaining emissions.

Carbon credits can help companies offset emissions in three cases:

Handling scope 3 emissions:

While it is easy to control scope 1 and scope 2 emissions as they are “internal”, scope 3 emissions depend on other factors that are not controllable by a company wishing to reach net zero. Carbon credits solve this issue by enabling companies to offset their net emissions.

Case: You are a service company which depends a lot on air travel. Your business is travel-dependent, You cannot choose the fuel of the airline, and air travel is your only gateway. Compensating is the only solution for your business to be net zero.

The last ten percent

You have done anything you could in your whole scope 1, 2 and 3 and you see that it remains 10 to 15% in order to reach the net zero, you then have no choice and have to compensate

Case: Imagine you are selling a renewable product or a consumer product whose environmental footprint is close to zero. You want to sell to your consumers something completely net zero.
All your suppliers have done the best and they have reached at best 90% GHG reduction. Carbon credits will help you finish with the last ten percent.

You cannot touch your scope 1, 2

Touching your scope 1 and/or 2 will result in an abrupt increase of costs which you cannot allow should you stay competitive against your competition.

Case: You are highly dependent on the energy you use, and there is no cheap alternative for your business or the technology has not been developed so far. You realize that the only solution is costing more than 100€ per ton of CO2e reduced, threatening your competitiveness. Carbon credits are a temporary solution for you.

Tracific is a global climate consultancy and project developer, helping businesses and organizations succeed in their climate ambitions. At Tracific, we will help you provide the best solutions according to your decarbonization strategy, drafting the right number offsetting, in line with your current efforts.



Remote sensing for nature-based projects

We measure CO2 sequestration using state-of-the-art fusion of satellite data (Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope) and state-of-the-art algorithms.
We use satellite data to calculate metrics (tree height, tree width, number of trees, tree health) and infer their associated stored carbon.

These data allow us to calculate daily indicators such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) representing the state of the vegetation with a resolution of a few meters.

After validating the relationship between stored CO2 and our indicators (NDVI, LAI, etc.), it is possible to obtain a map of sequestered CO2 on a global scale each year. It is thus possible to study the evolution of CO2 storage as well as to detect good practices.

Knowing that we have access to the CO2 sequestered at the scale of the plot as well as its evolution, we are able to value the difference. This difference in CO2 can be sold to private or/and public actors who wish to contribute to carbon neutrality. Additionally, we can also certify carbon storage projects.

On-site tracking for engineering based projects

We ask our engineering technology providers to always provide feedback on any chemical or mechanical process in order to make sure a facility works as expected and produces the right results.

We can therefore calculate daily indicators (downtime, amount of CO2 captured, or anything related to energy production or any process (temperature, pressure, ect..)

We make sure that the data received cannot be altered and is really the raw data
That are then sent to servers and our teams are then analyzing these data in order to deduct CO2e emission captured or avoided